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Aquatic Pollution from Light and Anthropogenic Noise: Management of Impacts on Biodiversity

Elena Desiderà

Acronym: AquaPLAN

The underwater autonomous recorder placed within a Posidonia Meadow in Capraia Island

Coordinator/Lead Partner: University of Pisa (UNIPI), Biology Department, Italy

SZN Principal Investigator(s): Francesca Rossi/Francesco Caruso

Partnership: UNIPI, Bar Ilan Univ. BIU Israel, Plymouth PML UK, HAVFORSKNINGSINSTITUTTET Norway, Agencia Estatal CSIC Espana, SZN, Erinn Innovation Ireland, Univ. Plymouth UK, CEFAS UK, FORSCHUNGSVERBUND BERLIN EV FVB-IGB Germany, Univ. I Tromsoe Norway, Universiteit Leiden Ulei Netherland, Univ. Adelaide, Australia.

Funding body and amount: European Union under the Horizon Europe Programme, Grant Agreement No. 101135471 (AquaPLAN)

Overall funding: ~3.500.000 €

Funding to GMC-SZN: 160.000 €

Grant period: January 1st 2024 – December 30th 2027

Project in a nutshell:

AquaPLAN aims to quantify the combined impacts of Light and Noise Pollution (LNP) on aquatic biodiversity in European waters and facilitate the implementation of empirically sound strategies for managing these pollutants through novel interdisciplinary approaches.

Contacts: francesca.rossi(at)

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