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soft corals and fishes

Meet the people

We are scientists and explorers who seek to preserve the marine environment for ourselves and our children by concentrating on research and education. The ocean has the solutions: we'll track them down together.

Our team

We are a hard working group of people who love doing cool science in a relaxed environment. We believe that everyone, no matter their age, job title, or experience level, can bring something important to the table and help us achieve our research goals. Plus, we're all about breaking down borders and collaborating with scientists from all over Europe and beyond.

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Paolo Guidetti

Research Director and Coordinator

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My research investigates marine biodiversity and ecosystems, with the final aim to reconciliate marine conservation and a more sustainable socio-economic development.

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Massimiliano Bottaro


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Sharks and their relatives are my primary research interest: my research aims to increase our knowledge of these animals, including biology, ecology and conservation.

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Federica Ragazzola


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I study the modification in the structural integrity of coralline algae in response to climate change.

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Elena Desiderà


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My research investigates the effectiveness of fishing restrictions in protecting fish populations, with a focus on the reproductive behaviors of vulnerable species.

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Germán Zapata Hernández

Postdoctoral Fellow

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My research work is focused on community dynamics, trophic relationships, organic matter pathways, as well as the impacts of natural and anthropogenic processes on marine ecosystems.

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Lorenzo Minoia

PhD Student

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My research project aims to study the concentration of pollutants in the tissue of different shark species in the western Mediterranean Sea.

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Floriana Trova

Research fellowship holder

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Investigation of alternative methods to sustainably manage interactions between elasmobranchs and fisheries.

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Carla Morri

Associate Research Fellow

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Diversity and conservation of marine and brackish-water habitats. Biology and ecology of benthic organisms and communities. Bioconstructions in aquatic ecosystems. Impact of alien species.

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Francesca Rossi

Senior Scientist

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My research investigates the response of organisms to perturbations and how this can propagate through the complexity of biological scale, from populations to ecosystem services.

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Ulisse Cardini


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My research investigates host-microbe interactions in benthic fauna and flora, uncovering their role in marine biogeochemistry and as a driving force of marine ecosystem functioning.

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Simone Bava


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My research focuses on assessing marine biodiversity and evaluating the effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas, to support the sustainable management of artisanal and recreational fishing.

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Luca Palazzo

Postdoctoral Fellow

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My research aims to strengthen existing conservation methods while exploring new tools to reduce the loss of ecosystem functions and ecosystem services.

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Martina Arpaia

PhD Student

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My research investigates the impact of human activities on elasmobranchs and possible initiatives for their management and conservation in the Mediterranean Sea.

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Ilaria Di Lauro

Research fellowship holder

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My research investigates fisheries biology, the study of the interaction between marine species (elasmobranchs, in particular their behavior) and human activities, sustainable fishing practices.

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Riccardo A. Vargiu

Research fellowship holder

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I study fish ecology, MPA effectiveness, and the impacts of overfishing and climate change on Mediterranean ecosystems, promoting sustainable management practices.

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Angelo Renato Mojetta

Associate Research Fellow

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My research investigates fishes both freshwater and marine with a focus on sharks and their role and interactions in marine environment also applying the historical ecology to reconstruct the relationship between these fishes and man.

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Roberto Arrigoni


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My research explores the biodiversity and biogeography of stony corals and their associated organisms across tropical and temperate seas in shallow and deep environments.

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Simone Farina


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I'm particularly interested in evaluating trophic interactions in macrophyte communities that involved keystone species, habitat modifiers and habitat complexity structure in relation to anthropogenic change.

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Alice Blanckaert

Postdoctoral Fellow

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My research journey began with the symbiosis between corals and dinoflagellates. Now, I eagerly embrace the opportunity to unravel yet another intriguing form of symbiotic relationship!

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Federico Pinna

Postdoctoral Fellow

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My research focuses on the biological and physical processes that shape patterns in benthic marine communities and how key stone and engineering species respond to local and global stressors.

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Johanna Berlinghof

PhD Student

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In my project, I investigate the role of sponge-microbe-seagrass associations in carbon and nitrogen cycling also in response to environmental change.

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Noemi Gargano

Research fellowship holder

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My research investigates more innovative fishing methods and distribution data of vulnerable species for the sustainable management and protection of marine biological resources.

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Carlo Nike Bianchi

Associate Research Fellow

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Bionomics, mapping and biogeography of the marine coastal environment. Benthic community structure, gradient analysis, bioconstruction, effects of climate change on marine ecosystems. Long-term ecological data.

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Egidio Trainito

Associate Research Fellow

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My research investigates benthic fauna and flora, mainly Heterobranchia and Cnidaria with a special focus on Mediterranean Sea and its role both in the distribution of organisms and in their taxonomy.

a school of barracuda

Check out the news for updates on publications, open positions and events, or visit us at the address below!

© 2023 Genoa Marine Center | Villa del Principe, Piazza del Principe 4, 16126 Genoa, Italy

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