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Simone Farina

Elena Desiderà

Updated: Mar 1, 2024

Position: Researcher

SZN Dept: Integrative Marine Ecology

Email: simone.farina(at)

Skype: sifar78


Twitter: @simfarina

Scientific interests in a nutshell:

The aim of my research is to study the effects of anthropogenic changes on benthic community and ecosystem functioning. I'm interested in evaluating trophic interactions that involved keystone predators, meso-predators, dominant species, habitat modifiers and complexity structure of habitat within macrophyte communities. I carry out removal/exclusion experiments and correlative approach studies between trends of species abundance and distribution. I estimate changes in trophic cascade effects on macrophytes, the key habitats for biodiversity, through the assessment of sea urchin population dynamic, as levers of the ecosystems balance. I attempt to highlight the effects on sea urchins and on benthic community as consequence, of human drivers such as overfishing and environmental drivers such as temperature, nutrients and marine heat-waves, among other climate change evidences. My purpose is to contribute in guaranteeing natural resources while maintaining ecosystem functioning and conserving biodiversity.

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