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Paolo Guidetti

Elena Desiderà

Updated: Dec 5, 2022

Position: Research Director

SZN Dept: Integrative Marine Ecology

Email: paolo.guidetti(at)

Skype: guidettipaolo



Scientific interests in a nutshell:

Oceans and seas worldwide host an extraordinary biodiversity that guarantees functions and services capable, in their turn, of vitally supporting nature and people. Marine biodiversity and ecosystems are threatened by multiple anthropogenic impacts (e.g., fishing, coastal urbanization, navigation, pollution) and climate change (e.g., seawater warming, invasions of non-indigenous species) that are causing significant losses of biodiversity and related services. My research focuses on: i) investigating marine biodiversity (especially the fish fauna and its trophic relationships) and functioning of marine ecosystems; ii) assessing the effects of a variety of human impacts; iii) assessing the bio-ecological and socio-cultural effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas (sensu lato) and their networks; iv) supporting the management and increasing sustainability of small-scale fishing chains, from producers to consumers; v) contributing to education and public engagement initiatives.

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