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Francesca Rossi

Elena Desiderà

Updated: Mar 15, 2023

Position: Senior Scientist

SZN Dept: Integrative Marine Ecology

Email: francesca.rossi(at)





Scientific interests in a nutshell:

My work focuses on the ecological role of marine benthic species, their interactions and how they contribute to ecosystem functions in response to natural and human-related perturbations. I mainly work in temperate sedimentary habitats, seagrass meadows and recently in sandy shores, using field experiments and laboratory studies. I use stable isotopes at their natural concentrations and as tracers to understand trophic relationships, carbon and nutrient cycling. At present I follow 3 PhD projects on questions related to changes in trophic relationships in response to the impact of artificial light at night (ALAN), history of human settlements on Mediterranean coasts and the use of artificial habitats to improve biodiversity and functioning of marinas. I also work on the role of seagrass detritus (Posidonia oceanica necromass) as habitat and food for invertebrates and coastal fishes in sandy shores. I am involved in education activities to ameliorate general knowledge on beach ecology.

Selected publications:

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