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Beach and seabed clean-up event on may 14th 2023


In the frame of a project launched by the Genoa CFC, a beach and seabed clean-up event took place on May 14th 2023 at Genoa Pegli. Involving about 50 volunteers (adults and children) a cleaning operation was carried out on the beach, coordinated by Legambiente Liguria along with the personnel from the CNR-IAS Genoa, the Guardia Costiera Ausiliaria and the Genoa Marine Centre-Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn. In about one hour, over 15 kg of undifferentiated waste, 3 kg of plastic and 3 kg of glass were collected. The cleaning of the seabed was carried out by the Genoa Marine Center together with the operators of the Nucleo Subacqueo dei Carabinieri-Genoa and the support of a small-scale fishing vessel to Coldiretti-Pesca. In approx one hour and on just over approx 100m2, about 300 kg of waste were collected from the bottom, including pipes and other plastic and metal artifacts, lines, cables, worked wood, bottles, ropes, etc ...

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