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MPA project in Nice - France


Acronym: NiceMPA

Keywords: #marine protected areas; #biodiversity; #small scale fishing; #urban MPAs; #conservation

Coordinator/Lead Partner: Genoa Marine Centre, SZN

SZN Principal Investigator(s): Paolo Guidetti

Partnership: Genoa Marine Centre-SZN

Funding body and amount: Métropole Nice Côte D'Azur

Overall funding: 37.000 €

Funding to GMC-SZN: 37.000 €

Grant period: November 3rd 2022 – December 31st 2023

Project in a nutshell:

The project is focused on the data collection fonctional to the creation of a (urban) Marine Protected Area encompassing the marine waters of the City of Nice, France. In particular, the project aims at synthetising the existing 'spatial' information about marine species and habitats (especially those of interest for conservation), as well as about human uses and activities, with the objective to properly plan (in terms of extention, borders and zoning) the future MPA. A special effort is done to get data about the local professional fishing activities, as fishers are key actors in conservation spatial planning and in the frame of (bottom-up) conservation management policies. Attention is paid also to recreational fishers and other marine users involved in the territorial socio-economic context.

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