Keywords: #MarineBiodiversity, #innovations, #FishingActivities, #bycatch, #sustainability
Fisherman who sets sail the net and checks its contents
Coordinator/Lead Partner: Genoa Marine Centre, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn - National Institute of Marine Biology, Ecology and Biotechnologies, Italy
Principal Investigator(s): Massimiliano Bottaro
Partnership: AGCI
Funding body and amount: EU-EMFF via Italian General Fishery Direction
Total Budget: 1.994.842,27 €
SZN Total budget: 1.004.519,39 €
Grant period: June 2022 - December 2023
Project in a nutshell:
The increase in sustainability of fishing activities, through cooperation between the productive sector of sea fishing and researchers involved in the management and conservation of marine resources, is of fundamental importance to reduce the anthropic impact on biodiversity and marine ecosystems. Through the introduction and development of technological and organizational innovations, the project aims to (1) provide fishermen with valuable tools for the application of ex-ante fishing strategies, in order to reduce the impact of their activities, (2) ensure the coexistence of fishing activities with protected predators (with particular reference to marine mega fauna), increasing the selectivity of fishing gear, reducing by-catches, discards and fishing mortality, (3) creating fisheries management plans that aim at a more sustainable use of living marine biological resources, (4) promoting the proper management of damage to fishing gear caused by interactions with toothed whales.
Contacts: massimiliano.bottaro(at)