Position: Postdoctoral fellow
SZN Dept: Integrative Marine Ecology
Email: davide.diblasi(at)szn.it
Skype: davidediblasi83
Web: SZN webpage
Web: Google scholar
Personal keywords: #FishBiology, #FishEcology, #FishMonitoring, #MarineBiodiversity, #MarineProtectedAreas
Scientific interests in a nutshell:
The topic of my research is the ichthyology, in particular in most of my works I have investigated biological aspects of different Mediterranean and polar species, to then extend the results in an ecological context. I focus my attention on the life cycles of species of ecological and commercial interest, in particular by relating distributions and abundances to environmental variables. I also investigate the effect of protection (i.e., the benefits of the restrictions implemented by Marine Protected Areas) on fish communities and single species.
Data collection is done both directly, through field activity, and by means of interaction with sea users. Anyway, when possible I prefer the adoption of non-extractive methods, which produce the lowest possible impact, such as underwater visual census or remote visual methodologies that make use of technological tools (remote underwater video systems).
Selected publications:
Di Blasi D, Canese S, Carlig E, Parker SJ, Pisano E, Vacchi M, Ghigliotti L. (2021). The challenge to observe Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) under fast ice. J Mar Sci Eng 9(3): 255.
Carlig E, Christiansen JS, Di Blasi D, Ferrando S, Pisano E, Vacchi M, O’Driscoll R, Ghigliotti L. (2021). Midtrophic fish feeding modes at the poles: an ecomorphological comparison of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) and Antarctic silverfish (Pleuragramma antarctica). Polar Biol 44(8): 1629-1642.
Parker S, Sundby S, Stevens D, Di Blasi D, Schiaparelli S, Ghigliotti L. (2021). Buoyancy of post-fertilized Dissostichus mawsoni eggs and implications for early life history. Fish Oceanogr 00: 1-10.
Carlig E, Di Blasi D, Ghigliotti L, Pisano E, Koubbi P, Vacchi M. (2019). Diversified feeding strategies of Pleuragramma antarctica (Nototheniidae) in the Southern Ocean. Polar Biol 42(11): 2045-2054.
Di Blasi D, Carlig E, Ferrando S, Ghigliotti L, Psomadakis PN, Vacchi M. (2018). A new record and biological evidences supporting the establishment of Beryx splendens (Teleostei: Berycidae) in the western Mediterranean basin. Acta Ichthyol Piscat 48(2): 183-188, doi: 10.3750/AIEP/2340