Position: Postdoctoral fellow
SZN Dept: Integrative Marine Ecology
Email: federica.poli(at)szn.it
Skype: federica.poli87
Twitter: @fedepolipoli
Web: SZN webpage
Web: Google scholar
Personal keywords: #Fish, #MarineConservation, #BehavioralEcology, #ReproductiveBiology, #LocalEcologicalKnowledge
Scientific interests in a nutshell:
Marine habitats host heterogenous ecosystems that support several services but are undergoing multiple anthropic pressures. Studying the variability of biological and ecological traits of fish species is key to understand their response to marine changing environments both for conservation purposes and fishery management. I study fish life histories and behavior in the lab and in the field, focusing on traits influencing the reproductive success. I am interested in approaching environmental conservation as a socio-ecological unit to implement monitoring and restoration plans. I considered fishers’ local ecological knowledge as a complementary tool to research activities. I am currently working on rocky reef fish community as an indicator to assess the environmental status along Italian coasts (EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive). Employing underwater visual census, we compare sites within and outside marine protected areas, focusing on fishery target species.
Selected publications:
Pinzoni L., Poli, F., Grapputo, A., Rasotto, M. B., Gasparini, C. “Female reproductive fluid increases the opportunities for post-mating sexual selection by prolonging egg fertilization window” The American Naturalist, 2022.
Locatello L., Borgheresi O., Poli F., Pilastro A., Rasotto M.B. “Black goby territorial males adjust their ejaculate's characteristics in response to the presence of sneakers” Biology Letters, 2021.
Poli F., Marino I., Santon M., Pellizzato G., Bozzetta E., Zane L., Rasotto M.B. “Spatial asymmetry of the paternity success in nests of a fish species with alternative reproductive tactics” Scientific Reports, 2021.
Poli F., Immler S., Gasparini C. “Effects of ovarian fluid on sperm traits and its implications for cryptic female choice in zebrafish” Behavioral ecology, 2019.
Poli F., Locatello L., Rasotto M. B. “Seminal fluid enhances competitiveness of territorial males’ sperm in a fish with alternative male reproductive tactics” Journal of Experimental Biology, 2018.